When we embrace complexity and listen, change happens.
Throughout my career, I've followed the question how sustainable development can take place. With my specialization in agricultural development, I am researching this thread by identifying innovative, ecological approaches and assessing their impacts at the level of sustainability, poverty and inequality. In my pursuits, I embrace both complexity - as reflected in systems thinking - and diversity - as encountered across the myriads of smallholder households in Africa. By drawing on participatory approaches, my aim is to listen and combine qualitative methods with econometric analyses.
Photograph above copyrighted Peter Lüthi, Biovision Foundation.
Find out about my most recent courses taught surrounding agricultural development, food security, sustainability, and development policy and practice.
Published works, as well as insights and rough sketches on intersections of sustainable development, agriculture, ecology, system thinking, and development policy.
Selection of useful tools and resources, in addition to outstanding organizations I follow, contribute to or had the pleasure of working with.